One of the toughest challenges any business faces is retaining customers over the long term. In a seasonal industry like pools and spas, there is a significant portion of the year where you may be out of sight, out of mind. Follow these tips to ensure your customers are happy and stay with you for the long haul.
Don’t Let Them Be a Number
Whether they’re dealing with their pool technician or their accountant, the last thing anyone wants to be is a number. Learn your customers’ names, service preferences, and other important information. This knowledge will not only allow you to better meet their needs – it will make them feel like you truly care about what they want.
Consider Loyalty Discounts
With the ease of finding discounts, coupons, and other deals online, it would be a mistake to assume all of your customers will remain loyal to you forever. They can compare prices and get quotes with just a few pushes of a button. By offering discounts and other perks for loyalty, you can more effectively keep your customers from shopping for other pool service providers.
Over-Deliver on Expectations
Whether you’re building a new pool or dealing with a filtration problem, do your best to go above and beyond. Give customers extremely realistic, achievable time estimates, and then exceed those expectations. On a pool construction project, set a completion date you know your team will meet (barring unforeseen, significant issues of health, weather, etc.), and then work to have it completed a week early.
Offer to Make Reparations
Keep your customers engaged by frequently providing them with free educational information. Whether you’re providing tips on chemicals or information about the best pool covers, customers will appreciate the wisdom you provide. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as simple conversations during a service call or a monthly eNewsletter.