For many Pool and Spa Companies, there’s just too much work to be done for the owner or manager to be involved in every single sale, project, or customer interaction. Even if you could be everywhere at all times, isn’t it better to have employees you can trust to provide customers with a good experience? Here are five things you should teach employees from the first day on the job in order for them to provide unmatched customer service.
No Industry Jargon
This industry can be highly technical, with parts, chemicals, methods, and numerous other subjects that can be confusing for non-pool professionals. Teach your employees the importance of not talking over customers’ heads with industry jargon and obscure terms. A confused customer is rarely a happy customer.
Always Listen
Listening can be a challenge, especially in a situation where a knowledgeable professional is communicating with an inexperienced pool owner. However, not only is it important for any customer to feel heard, but your team could learn useful details that may not have been conveyed otherwise.
Ask Questions
Customers may not always be able to effectively describe the issue they’re facing. Asking the right questions can be key in diagnosing and solving the problem quicker and more effectively. Finding out what the problem is, the timeline of the problem, and other pertinent details can make your job much easier.
Be Responsive
Your team members probably don’t have the time to visit every customer in need right when they contact you. But, responding to them quickly can accomplish several goals – similar to listening, it can make them feel heard; you may be able to walk them through a fix if it’s something simple; you can also put them at ease by the simple fact that you now know about the issue and will help them soon.
By instilling these habits in your employees, you can ensure a great experience for your customers, who will appreciate being listened to and cared for. Across the board, this type of customer service will allow you to better retain clients.